PillCam Cloud
Case Study
Category: Brain Health & Digital Technologies
Technology: Video capsule endoscopy (VCE)
Shortening national endoscopy waitlists through the PillCam Remote Reader.
Key Facts
- Increased capacity for capsule services in TUH and the wider hospital group.
- We are broadening access to capsule services, by enabling rollout to the wider Dublin Midlands Hospital Group as well as providing capsule services to the wider community.

The Challenge
Only a small number of PC’s in the department could facilitate reading of PillCam footage.
Other hospitals have limited access to capsule services.
Early deployment of VCA within 3 days of admission results in a higher diagnostic yield and therapeutic intervention rate and an associated reduction of length of stay.

The Solution
To increase capacity for reviewing and reporting of PillCam information, we allowed for remote access to capsule data. Initially this was done in-house, before allowing off-site access for approved readers.
The impact was instant, with our hub and spoke model allowing hospitals without specialised clinicians to put capsule endoscopy programs in place. By giving them access to specialist colleagues through cloud-based software, we ensure that they can be guided through their service initiation.
Services Provided
Small Bowel – Colon

The aim is to increase capacity for capsule review/reporting in TUH including enabling off site reading by approved readers.
The platform also represents a solution that facilitates the immediate initiation of capsule endoscopy programs in hospitals that don’t current have clinicians trained to analyze Pill Cam endoscopy studies through a Hub and Spoke Model.
This model allows hospitals instant access to specialist colleagues who can support their service initiation through the cloud-based software
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